We Care
About us
Christian Care was formed in 1967 by the Zimbabwe Council of Churches and registered as a welfare organization [P.V.O. 79/67]. It is an arm of the churches called to witness the presence of God among the poor and disadvantaged who are burdened by oppression, poverty, ill health, lack of freedom or knowledge to make sustainable life supporting choices.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and in prison and you looked after me…in as much as you have done unto one of the least of these brethren, you have done it unto me”
Matthew 25 v 35 – 36, 40
This foundation has a vision of creating a better world – partnering with global and local organizations to widen our reach in releasing more families and communities from poverty.
Our Impact
Transformation of over 100 000 lives through provision of safe water, improved sanitation, hygiene and nutrition in schools and communities. Sustainable measures have been provided to counteract the adverse effects of climate change, disease outbreaks and Gender Based Violence (GBV). – making education, clean water, and opportunities easily accessible to marginalized communities.

40+ Piped Water Schemes Established

80000+ people reached through sustainable agriculture

1000+ Latrines Constructed



Our Progress
Boreholes Sunk
With the help of our stakeholders, we have managed to sink and repair more than 964 boreholes in various communities around Zimbabwe.
Food Distributed
20000+ kts
Sanitation & Hygiene
Hand-washing facilities, bar-soaps, menstrual hygiene kits, tap buckets, jerry cane
Our work
Working in collaboration with relevant stakeholders for the betterment of marginalized communities in particular and generations to come.

Water Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

Food & Nutrition Security & Value Chain Development

Emergencies & Disaster Risk Reduction
🌧️ A New Chapter of Hope: Chapedo Dam in Bikita Ward 5 🌊
Yesterday’s good rains brought life to the newly constructed Chapedo Dam in […]
Building Sustainable Livelihoods and Climate Resilience to Mitigate Displacements in Bikita and Zaka Districts, Zimbabwe
In the face of intensifying climate change impacts and increasing vulnerability, Christian […]
Lingwe ERVHIZ Project
Lingwe villagers of Matobo ward 8 recently celebrated the commissioning of the […]
Emergency response to Cholera in Zaka
Christian Care in partnership with UNICEF and Government of Zimbabwe is implementing […]
Our Partners