Farmer Field School Field Day

This is a Farmer Field School (FFS) plot for Muchatenda Njiva , a female Lead Farmer in ward 15, show casing her maize plot during a joint monitoring visit in Bikita. Other farmers in the FFS, the councilor and Local Leaders came for a look and learn visit. Key stakeholders in attendance were Social welfare, Bikita Rural District Council, Council Chairperson Agricultural Rural Development Advisory Services (ARDAS) formerly Agritex, District Development Coordinator (DDC), ZRP, and Forestry Commission. The project; Building sustainable livelihoods and climate resilience to mitigate displacement in Bikita, Zimbabwe, is done by Christian Care in partnership with Act For Peace (AFP) and The Charitable Foundation (TCF).The project component aim to improve food security in this era of climate induced drought. Concepts on conservation farming such as mulching, basin making, 75 x 75 cm spacing , proper setting of drain to harvest water and give moisture to crops had been well followed by the farmer. Given rain the farmer is looking forward for a bump harvest.